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    The board meeting for tomorrow 1/15/2025 at 7pm has been relocated to the party room at the Pizza Pub in Cambridge. 

    2025 Mite Jamboree Registration Now Open!

    Click here to learn more and see the flyer for our 2025 Mite Jamboree. Registration link found here also.


    Check out our info page!!


    Download the Sports Engine app

    This is where you will see your child's team, and their schedule. For more details click here.

    To access your teams schedule, rosters, chats, and more please download the free Sports Engine app from one of the app stores. 

    Cambridge-Isanti Bluejackets

    Cambridge-Isanti Bluejackets

    Bantams/15U, Peewees/12U, Squirts/10U, & Mites

    Your constructive feedback and suggestions are important to us. 

    To remain anonymous, ensure that you are not logged in.  Enter "anonymous" or "no name" in the name field.

    Comments are never posted online.   

    "Work ethic is the foundation of everything. Talent can only get you so far."

    - Sidney Crosby

    We are in

    BE.A.S.T.  mode


    Creating a competitive and fun hockey experience through every player, every parent, every coach, and every leader

    BEing A Supportive Teammate 

    in everything we do through our Body Language, Effort, Attitude, Support, and Teamwork.

    Become a Member

    If you are interested in receiving communication from Cambridge-Isanti Hockey Association you will need to create an account on the CIHA website. This account will be needed to keep you up to date with CIHA communications and online registration. The account you create on the website is a family account. The 'member' should be a parent. Multiple email addresses can be added to the account. Click here to create an account.

    Keep A Kid In Hockey

    As some of you may be aware, CIHA has a scholarship program that helps families in need help pay for their child to play hockey. We understand that situations arise that unfortunately may make a family choose between everyday necessities and keeping their child playing a sport they love, all while learning great life lessons.

    As a 501(c)3, CIHA can accept a tax deductible donation from anyone wishing to donate to a new program that will supplement our scholarship program. We are calling it "Keep A Kid In Hockey". This can be an anonymous donation, if you wish, and can be for any amount, or be specified toward something in particular.

    If you'd like to "sponsor" a mite, for example, you can donate the amount to cover that cost. If you'd like to sponsor a player whose family you know may be going through a difficult time, you can do that as well. Lastly, you can donate a specific dollar amount that will supplement our current scholarship program, which works with a specified budget and looks at each situation independently.

    Thank you for your consideration and help "Keep A Kid In Hockey" if you can!

    Feed for


    Available on phones and iPad. One app login accesses multiple devices.

    Available on phones and tablets. One app login accesses multiple devices.

    If you would like news added association-wide or have suggestions for this website, please send an email to the Communications Director .

    SportsEngine App

    Available on phones and iPad. One app login accesses multiple devices.

    Available on phones and tablets. One app login accesses multiple devices.

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    Cambridge Isanti Hockey Association

    P.O.Box 520

    Isanti, MN 55040